Alex Chambers-Ozasky
It is the second to last Meet the Musician for the season, restarting after our Simply Sinatra concert on September 19th. Alex Chambers-Ozasky premiers his last video for this segment of the series, International being the closing theme for May. Chambers-Ozasky earned his Master’s at UW Madison where he served as cellist of the Hunt String Quartet through the Madison Symphony Orchestra and Mead Witter School of Music. Alex is the assistant principal cellist of the LaCrosse Symphony Orchestra and an associate member with the Civic Orchestra of Chicago. An avid chamber musician and teacher, Alex has served as a string quartet coach at MacPhail Center for Music in Minneapolis and worked as a counselor and coach at the International Cello Institute. Continue watching to see his interview!
Thank you to the YWCA La Crosse Covid-19 Relief Fund for sponsoring this series and making this available to families and friends everywhere!