For more information
Contact the LSO office at (608) 783-2121
Have questions about making a gift from your will or trust? Read our FAQs.
Legacy Society
Discover the Benefits of Giving Wisely
Have you ever wished you could support the La Crosse Symphony Orchestra and improve your financial security at the same time?
Well, you can! At the LSO, we call it Creative Giving.
In fact, just one creative gift can return an immediate tax deduction to you, plus lifetime income for you and a loved one, plus long-term financial support to the LSO.
That's right ... you benefit, your loved ones benefit and the LSO benefits. How is this possible? By taking advantage of incentives the IRS provides, we can craft a gift that delivers exactly the benefits to us, and to you
Financial advisors call these creative techniques "planned gifts," because with thoughtful planning, you can turn personal giving challenges into win-win solutions for you and for us.
So, whether you want to make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime, or a gift that gives you guaranteed income for life, this website is where you'll find out how to make it happen.